
What the Hell is a "Nebelung?"

Nebelungs are a breed of cat. Sort of. Nebelungs were invented in 1986. Now, for my money, any breed invented in 1986 is in no way what anyone would legitimately call a breed. A breed. Breeds are old and established. You don't just make up a breed out of thin air. Anyway, these cats are known as Nebelungs for some totally inscrutable reason. If you look up Nebelungs on the internet you will probably hear stories about mysterious creatures of the fog and mist but, let me tell you, that's all a load of hooey. These are creatures of litter boxes and harballs just like every other cat.

There is no way to watch either of these cats very long and not come away thinking "Those are stupid creatures even for cats."

Aside from their intellectual deficincies this breed is known for their gnarly, misshapen heads and dull hazy eyes.

And, they smell. Man, do they stink. '

I think they stopped making Nebelungs when someone realized how truly disappointing they are compared to just about every other cat breed out there.

I was at Carl's one evening and mentioned to Russ that I was thinking about getting a cat. He said "I know a guy who's cat just had kittens." So I thought about it and I figured "why not take a chance on the universe and say: "Yes. Yes, I'll take your friend's off-brand, back alley kittens home and care for them. What's the worst that could happen?"

So, one day I drove over and Curtis handed me a box out in the parking lot behind the dumpster. Good things don't usually happen behind dumpsters. Inside the box were a couple kittens. They looked--more or less--normal, so I took them home. Right from the beginning I could see that something wasn't right.

They'd try to hide it, sure. But, I was patient. I watched. I learned their rhythms and their patterns. I grew to know them intimately and all I can say is they are, literally, the blackness at the end of time. But, cute. Awfully, awfully cute.


Anytime you ever talk to Babydoll I defy you to call her anything other than Babydoll. Tried for years to come up with a better name but, It wouldn't really matter what name I gave her, I'm still going to call her Badydoll whenever I talk to her.

I like cats. I know many people think it is a bad idea to allow them outdoors because of the hazards they could encounter. I love my cats and would never want anything bad to happen to them but, it seems to me that living creatures really ought to be able to experience the natural world. I live on a street that is not densely populated and has very low traffic. I have a lot of wooded and semi-wooded property for them to explore and all the surrounding properties have big yards and lots of wooded areas too. They are very happy, content creatures with great personalities. Very photogenic and just delightful. I have had many cats in my life and all have been outdoor cats. All of them have lived long healthy lives and been great pets.